If Maeve protects him, Lee says, he'll lead her to an updated map. The Man in Black shoots the boy and rides off.Lee Sizemore fends off a bloodthirsty host, yelling "freeze all motor functions" to no effect.Maeve saves him at the last minute, demonstrating his commands don't work on her, or any of the hosts - but hers do. The boy addresses him as William and explains he's found the center of The Maze, but now he's in a new game he must find The Door. Unarmed, he tackles one of them and uses him as a human shield, steals his gun, and shoots down the other host before entering a cabin to tend to his wounds and obtain his signature black hat.Adjusting to the new stakes of the park, the Man in Black runs into Young Ford. The Man in Black wakes up in what's left of Escalante. She leaves them precariously balanced on crosses of wood with nooses around their necks-and rides away with Teddy. Negotiating between her given roles as the sweet Rancher's Daughter and Wyatt, Dolores resolves to find her own voice-one that tells the captured guests that the reckoning is here. Futilely trying to save the host, Bernard hits his head, causing his previously self-inflicted gunshot wound (109) to reopen, cortical fluid dripping out of his ear.Dolores and Teddy, on horseback, shoot down and capture guests. The guests become defensive, murdering a harmless stablehand. Bernard realizes that Ford must have made fundamental changes to the park's gameplay. Hale questions how the hosts are suddenly able to wield weapons. The team reviews the host's most recent memory and sees Dolores on a murderous rampage, stating: "Not all of us deserve to make it to the Valley Beyond." Days earlier, immediately following Ford's execution, Bernard hides in a barn with Charlotte Hale and a group of terrified guests. Costa cuts off the host's scalp, revealing the maze carved into it. Still passing as human, Bernard voices his concerns, but Strand insists drastic measures are needed to secure the park.Strand orders Antoine Costa, a Delos tech, to operate on a Ghost Nation host, to access its recorded memory. Bernard is troubled to see Delos security executing hosts, including Rebus.

At the security base, Karl Strand, the Head of Operations at Delos, introduces himself to Bernard. They are surrounded by a buzz of private military contractors, including Maling. Relieved, he spots a friendly face: Ashley Stubbs, the former head of Delos security. Dreams don't mean anything, Bernard explains to Dolores, because they aren't real.Bernard wakes on a beach, surrounded by a Delos paramilitary team, and struggles to remember what happened. LewisIn a Delos lab, a confused Bernard confides in Dolores about his dream - from the ocean, he spots Dolores from a distant shore. Journey Into NightWritten by Lisa Joy and Roberto PatinoDirected by Richard J.